The strongest of the three Egyptian Gods.Using a counterfeit or angering it can cause someone to go insane or instantly die.Attacks with energy beams from the mouth.Its summon alone generates a large storm.Fused spirit of Mahad and his ka, the Illusion Magician.Shadow Games can make these cards real, but only the following have feats.Spirits of cards that used to be in sacred Egyptian tablets now reside in these cards.A 40 - 60 card Deck containing Duel Monsters cards.Fall into True Darkness: Victim sees themselves as being hanged.Mind Crush: Victim becomes comatose and must spend however long they must to piece themselves back together.Sensation of Death: Victim is thrown into their worst nightmare and must feel the experience of dying for a set amount of time the weak-hearted suffer heart attacks.Aren't actually real formations, but illusions.Heavy consequences when losing a Shadow Game.Only those playing a Shadow Game can see a Shadow Game.Any damage or losses taken in-game physically reflects upon the person.Furthermore, reveals fears and weaknesses.Drains stamina and hard for a normal human to fight through for long periods of time.Any game can be turned into a shadow variant, even one in-progress.Tampering with the puzzle will result in horrifying illusions.Contains a memory world of Egypt inside it.Gives Yugi a second personality in his brain, making him immune to mind reading.Can change between Yami and Yugi at any time.When Yugi eventually learns of Atem's existence during a Duel Monsters tournament at the Duelist Kingdom tournament, the two manage to establish a proper partnership with Yugi promising to help Yami regain his lost memories. At first, coming to be known as the "Other Yugi" or Yami, Atem makes his presence known whenever Yugi blacked out to deal with those with malicious intent towards his host and their friends.

The moment Yugi solved the puzzle, he became a medium for the soul of an amnesic Atem to inhabit. In the present, the Puzzle ended up in the hands of Solomon Muto who gave it to his grandson Yugi Muto. The spell required Atem to seal his soul within the Millennium Puzzle, which was shattered by his high priest Seto and its pieces stored in the Pharaoh's tomb. Three millennia ago, a young pharaoh named Atem sacrificed his life to stop a demon named Zorc Necrophades from destroying the world. Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic).